Thursday, May 12, 2016

Daily Musings 5/12/2016 - on Benghazi's 28 pages

WAPO: Former-Senator-Release-The-Uncensored-Truth - BY Bob Graham

No investigative committee is worth anything unless it can actually sanction its witnesses.

We have seen this movie before.

1.      People come, take the fifth, or lie, or refuse to answer. The committee finds them in contempt, or not and if it wants it calls on the Justice department to do something about it.

2.      The JD defends the members of the administration, or the President does and nothing happens. The investigations continue until the next administration of the opposing party is chosen when it is dropped since they are now in control and wish to do the same.

Enough of this nonsense. Create a parallel independent investigative function within the judicial to investigate and prosecute anyone appointed by the president, or a member of Congress or the VP or President itself, and stop this political dance. They should also have jurisdiction over any witness in front of Congress who is referred to them by a majority of either the house or the Senate (make it a large minority?)

I am not talking about impeachment. We know President + 40 Senators eliminates the possibility of impeachment. I mean referring to an independent body for review and trial, if necessary, when witnesses, or members of the administration blatantly lie.

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