Thursday, May 26, 2016

Daily Musings 05/26/2016 Donalt Trump and WAPO

WAPO: The primary is over but Donald Trump keeps attacking fellow republicans-- Jose DelReal & Jenna Johnson

Republicans which do not back the Republican Candidates should either keep quiet and melt into the background, or go to hell.
To continue to disparage the candidate is to work for the Democrats, and therefore not to be a Republican.
This is a simple syllogism, WAPO's biased Democratic pundits should be able to understand this.
It is not only Trump's responsibility to unite the party. It is everyone's responsibility in the party. If you don't give it, you are out!


I'm beginning to think Trump is as surprised as the rest of us that he's gotten this close to the White House. No detailed policies, his speeches are rambling stream of consciousness rants and he's been on every side of every issue, it seems. What was supposed to be a lark, and fodder for a reality show has turned into the real deal.

You want the same "detailed policies" promised by Republican House and Senate leaders over the past 6 years? After all, we have stopped adding to the debt, we are stronger world wide, and we have eliminated Obama care! Right?
Detailed plans allow people to nitpick details instead of evaluating the individuals providing them. Trump shows us a new way. Compare a gruff, direct and honest person against "crooked" Hilary.

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