Monday, January 18, 2016

Daily Roundup - Jan 18, 2016

Beck apologizes for tweet but stands by belief on trumps voting record

You have proven that Trump goes by an understanding of the world he lives in, not by some pre-conceived set of doctrines. I was a Kennedy Democrat, and also loved Moynihan. I love Cruz, but he needs to learn street smarts and get people he works with to love him. I believe the rest of the bunch (outside of Trump) are politicians, malleable, will compromise anything to get elected. Example Ryan and the Sell Out Bus and Mitch McConnell and everything he has done.
So it is Trump, because I believe his goals are to make America Great Again, and that he would never permit himself to be a failed president.
He has the skills, he is loved by those that work for him, and he can talk at any level he wants, from 4th Grade to PHD in economics. He has the flair to represent America's Greatness, and seems to have the stamina to get us back there as well. He promises to be frugal, cut taxes, and streamline the American system of "give me." I believe he is serious about restoring the economy and getting even playing fields with our economic adversaries. I also believe he will cream ISIS and restore our position in the world.
I am worried about the how, since he keeps his cards close to his vest. But we already see how good it is to telegraph each move to our enemies.
So, I accept your criticism, but don't care. Purity at the cost of ability (CRUZ), impurity in means and motives (the rest), v flexibility in means, seems like a no brainer.
SunBurn responded about a list of supposed Trump proposals: Those are all wonderful conservative things. The question is: How do you want those things achieved? First, those things can be achieved constitutionally or through an authoritarian via executive order. Trump will achieve those goals like he makes business decisions-- through executive order. Welcome to history repeating itself. Welcome to Obama land again or to the Third Reich. We live in a Democratic Republic, or at least I thought we did.

I responded: I want them achieved. Congress has the tools to defend themselves from encroachment. They don't use them at all our risks. Why have they funded this lawless president time, and time again? Why even a "conservative" like Ryan, totally surrendered to Obama? Enough of charades, let Congress be Congress, or let the country be ruled by decree like they seem to want.

It is our responsibility to choose Congress in such a way that they are not sell outs. We have failed.

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