Wednesday, February 03, 2016

Daily Roundup -- Feb 3. 2016

 Talking Points Memo: CNN->Cruz dirty tricks

The hyperlink above takes you to a walk through of what happened. At 6:43 PM CT (15 minutes before the opening of the Caucuses), Dana Bash discuses with Chris Moody that Carson would return home to Florida after the contest, and she concluded: “If you want to be President of the United States, you don't go home to Florida,” 
8:PM Cruz camp notifies their supporters that Carson was dropping out. 
This is shortly after a spokesman for Carson tweeted that he was going to Florida for a change of clothes.

Cruz's surrogates at the Caucuses urged the caucus goers not to wast their votes and vote for Cruz. 

That's it ------------------------  
1. Carson now demands that someone be fired for not checking on the accuracy of their information in Cruz's campaign. -- Seems reasonable
2. Trump argues that he was robbed of 1st place since Cruz got additional votes from Carson. He demands a new election and will sue Cruz.  -- There is some truth here as well.  How much can be argued.


WAPO: Cut Clinton some slack -Dana Milbank

"When is a win not a win?  When the winner is Hillary Clinton." 
Dana goes on to tout the first woman who ever won Iowa, and the fact that in this democratic state, she got more votes than any Republican.

He doesn't mention she won by 6 coin tosses, any 2 of which failing would have meant her defeat.  This means she had a 1 in 64 chance losing, but she ran the deck with her special coin. Dana does know that Rick Santorum beat Romney "by all of 34 votes in 2012" but he missed that Mrs Clinton won by at most 4 votes. Hillarious?

Mrs. Clinto deserves to be congratulated for having escaped prison so far, but not for winning IOWA. She has gotten too much slack from the State Department, and even more from the Justice department. She doesn't deserve any in IOWA.

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