Saturday, February 06, 2016

Daily Roundup - Feb 6, 2016

WAPO: The-utter-nastiness-of-Ted-Cruz, Dana Milbank

This article should be rename "The utter nastiness of Dana Milbank."

For Cruz, “New York” is another way of saying “Jewish..”

When asked about his loans, Cruz counterattacked that Trump had upward of $480 million of loans from giant Wall Street banks, and said: “For him to make this attack, to use a New York term, it’s the height of chutzpah.”

Well, that proves it right? The following link shows Chutzpah is part of standard English today and conveys exactly what Cruz intended, don't accuse others of actions you take yourself.

While I am no longer an admirer of Cruz. I believe what he did in Iowa (See Daily Roundup Feb 4 for the details) crossed a line and made him just one more politician using every trick in the book to get elected. He still does not merit being compared to Joseph McCarthy, or being accused of being despicable, no matter what his college colleagues think of him.

Furthermore Dana's point is clear, to smear both Cruz and Trump and damage them so that (I presume) Hilary will not be faced by them.

Trump is belligerent and hyperbolic, with an authoritarian style. But while Trump fires up the masses with his nonstop epithets, Cruz has Joe McCarthy’s knack for false insinuation and underhandedness. What sets Cruz apart is the malice he exudes. 

When a democrat quotes Sarah Palin as an authority, we know he is both extreme, untruthful, and uncaring about his sources of information.

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