Wednesday, March 09, 2016

Daily Roundup 3/9/2016 - Hilary unlikely to be indicted, Jewish Journal hack job

WAPO: Hillary unlikely to be indicted - Ruth Marcus

You sound rational but are not.
1. She doesn't know that classification is at the source, and materials need to be protected if they could be classified until they are marked classified, not the reverse.
2. She is one of the few people that can classify/declassify information directly, but she doesn't know the rules.
3. There is no indication that she used any protection for her server and yet seems to have had over a thousand classified documents on it, some with the highest compartmentalized rating.
Knowledge is not necessary to perform according to standard procedures, and the claim "I didn't know" doesn't work for either the IRS or Security.
She needs to be put in jail, not just indicted. Otherwise we are giving cart blanche to millions of security clearance holders to play fast and loose with our security.

She is unlikely to be indicted because of the President's overwhelming control over our justice system. Yet another example of the Obama's imperialism.
Jewish Journal: A 2016 Election without Donald Trump, by Raphael Sonenshein
What a democratic hack job.
You assume democratic positions are right, never go into the prospects of bankrupcy, foreign affairs and devote all your time on "who provides more for their voters." You accuse Republicans of voter suppression as if a voter ID was the same as a "go to jail" card.
We are close to 19T and you never mention that just maintenance of that debt is the second or third largest expense of the government, an expense we are increasing by handing out goodies we cannot afford.
Give us a break and think!

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