Tuesday, April 05, 2016

Daily musings - 4/5/16 WAPO again

WAPO: Obama is tougher on America than on its enemies - Richard Cohen

In my Fair Lady, Henry Higgins, commenting on the French says: "They don't care what you say, as long as you pronounce it properly" (my paraphrase).
Liberals, pundits, RINOS, and News People have a slightly different take. They won't look at what you say (if you are Trump) on the grounds you are not pronouncing it correctly.
Obama speaks fairly well, although he certainly does not read a teleprompter as well as Trump. But what he has done, and told us he would do, is a disaster.
However, the press protected him, the pundits argued with him, and it was all very civil indeed.
Comes Trump who talks like a guy having a beer in a Bar. He is from NY, brash, aggressive, and often insulting. So the media disregards what he says, and concentrates on his language instead. Since he is not trying to get the media to vote for him but the people, and they revel in his matter of speaking as well as the content of the speech, he doesn't quit.
Pundits, media, RINOS, Democrats, candidates, all refuse to deal with his substantial points, because they lose, and so deal with the tone instead, and complain about the lack of substance.
What a waste of time, paper, and patience.

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