Monday, May 16, 2016

Daily musings 5/16/2016 - IDF Ethics.

Algemeiner: Former IDF general we are not the Palestinian defense forces

The ethics of the IDF are summarized as:
1. Protect Israeli Civilians at risk of IDF soldier lives.
2. Protect IDF soldiers where doing so does not infringe on 1.
3. Perform 1-2 with minimum civilian casualties among the enemy.

The ethics prescribed by the Obama administration are in stark contrast to these. They seem to be:
1. Disengage at all costs from areas of American influence.
2. Protect the army at all costs even if this endangers the population of the US.
3. Ignore civilian casualties when targeting enemy combatants of high value using drones.

I may not be nuanced enough for Obama, but nuance destroys ethical behavior and permits what Hannah Arendt called the banalization of evil.


JJ: How to criticize Israel -- BY David Suissa

The order of the factors does not change the product. A mathematical axiom that applies to this piece of anti-Israeli propaganda. Saying you love Israel just before you dam it does not make you a lover of Israel.

To criticize fairly, one must present causes and address them. The rising anger of Jews in Israel at their Arab neighbors is rooted in missile strikes, stabbings, and 50 years of assaults and incitement to hatred. Anger is natural and designed to safeguard, that is why Israel is increasingly less interested in peace with its assassin Palestinian neighbors.

All one sided evaluations of Israel which doesn't even mention the problem is full of bull, and should not be printed by a reasonable Jewish Press, it should be left to our enemies to condemn us irrationally, not the PC garbage I read weekly in this paper.

Leonard Oken
Mr,Rogson and Mr.Hacker, I agree with you totally. Quite unsettling to realize that these publications are being infiltrated with...well today's version of American Jews! What will happen when we are gone and there is no one to" out " them?God willing the Moshiach will come and Israel will be so entrenched that no entity could remove her existence. Until then we must be vigilant at least to keep our sanity!

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