Monday, January 04, 2016

Daily Roundup

A targeted attack on Cruz and Trump:  don't drink the "Cruz-Trump snake oil"
Believe that "on issues of U.S. leadership, Clinton seems disinclined to compromise, despite pressure from a dovish primary electorate"believe especially that for her: US Leadership are "core principles — principles that she argued for, sometimes unsuccessfully, as secretary, and principles on which almost certainly she would govern as president."

To believe this is to negate our reason and memory.  She led our foreign policy through the first 4 years of Obama's regime.  Did she retire in protest? Did she not continue supporting his policies? Did she not lie to us concerning their failures?

Give us a break with all this pretense at analysis.  You don't need a 2000 page autopsy report to know someone is dead.

For once I liked your column and your analysis.  Except on Trump you are right on the money.  On Trump, as usual, you could not help yourself.

My advice to Trump (instead of yours) would be: Continue doing what you are doing and spend your money making sure your people get to the polls. Hire Uber if necessary to take them to the polls.  Win the primaries, then negotiate a deal to make the powers that be feel a bit better as the powers that have been.  Invite Will and Krauthammer for coffee and talk baseball. Make them feel better as well.

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