Tuesday, January 05, 2016

Daily Roundup

WAPO: Putin’s anti-Obama propaganda is ugly and desperate-By Paula J. Dobriansky and David B. Rivkin Jr.

Paula and David are shell shocked that Putin isn't PC and doesn't play by Hoyle! Wow.
"Russia’s print and electronic media channels carry stories depicting Obama as lazy and incompetent." First time I hear truth in propaganda!

"All Americans should be outraged by the Kremlin’s messaging campaign and support a robust U.S. response." What is this response? "to revitalize America’s public diplomacy infrastructure" by a Congressional edict.  HAVEN'T WE HAD ENOUGH OF THOSE?

According to these bozos: "the United States must lead in challenging Moscow’s racist propaganda and highlighting the moral narrative of democracy, tolerance, human rights and rule of law." 

They make the assumption that Moscow and Putin give a damn! And I thought pundits were savy!

WAPO Stop swooning over Putin-By Fareed Zakaria

Zakaria wants us to ignore Putin's aggressiveness and wants us to think they are losing in the ME:
"are desperately trying to shore up a sinking ally. Their clients, the Alawites of Syria, are a minority regime — representing less than 15 percent of the country’s people — and face deadly insurgencies supported by vast portions of the population. Iran is bleeding resources in Syria." 
What he says is true, that is why Obama will provide $150,000,000,000 (150 Billion) or one third of our defense budget for a year to Iran, so they can afford to bleed those resources and conquer Syria and have the rest of the ME fall into their and Russian laps.

He then once again blames Bush for the Iraq disaster, as if it had not occurred under Obama, and because of Obama's stupid withdrawal from any position of influence in that country.  

Had we done what Collin Powell said, namely "own" Iraq, the results would have been quite different. Similarly in Afghanistan and in Yemen and in Libya and in ... . Zakaria sees all of these as doomed to failure whatever we did. We simply did not own that after establishing the peace in a country, we need to supervise it until it is peaceful by itself. Same as we did in Japan and Germany after WWII, both places in which we have more soldiers than currently in either Afghanistan or Iraq.

The one thing Zakaria does not seem to care about, are the 4,000,000 civilians displaced and 300,000 (not 150,000 he states) killed in Syria.  he calls them a catastrophe, but proposes no solution.

We need to get mad at people who murder civilians, and kill them if they don't stop quite rapidly. How to kill them should be up to our Generals, how to keep the situation from recurring should be up to our sociologists, and Generals.

It is funny, almost how distorted a view he has of the past.  

Truman missed an opportunity to eliminate the Soviet Union and spare us both Nuclear proliferation and many trillions of dollars in armaments as we as uncounted numbers of deaths and pain.  Eisenhower failed to do anything about Vietnam after Dien Bien Phu and allowed it to fester into the mess of the Vietnam war 10 years later. Carter allowed the Iranians to grow into a real threat, and Obama is completing that task with a considerable number of billions + permission to build nuclear capable missiles and the nuclear weapons for them. All based on minimalist responses to situations which require maximal responses.

What is funny is he and I read the same books, we just got different lessons from them, and from reviewing what is happening in the world.
Change.org <mail@change.org> sent me a heart wrenching story of a child having MD who will die before 25 all other things being equal.
He received a new drug which helped tremendously, and now that drug is denied while the FDA things about it.
I was asked to sign a petition to let him have the drug, and I did so.
Then I was offered an opportunity to support Planned Parenthood and a second opportunity to support Hilary Clinton. So now Change.org is in my Junk List, and I am sorry I responded to their petition.

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