Wednesday, January 06, 2016

Daily Roundup Jan 6, 2016

USA Today: Kirsten Powers - A tale of two Bills: Cosby, Clinton and predatory men

Excellent article on the difference between todays attitude, where the presumption of guilt goes to the male, and the attitude during the Clinton Governorship and Presidency when he and Cosby had similar encounters with women.  "Bimbo Eruptions," "You never know what happens when you drag a $100 bill through a trailer park" are no longer PC.  Hence the quiet after the response in the Clinton/Trump attack on him being "anti women."

WAPO Republicans’ do-nothingness on guns-By Kathleen Parker

"it is axiomatic that congressional Republicans will oppose anything smacking of “gun control,” which may as well be read as “ your mama.”"

So - we already know Ms Parker is a dogmatic Democrat on the hunt for Republicans who want to women and children to be killed by guns.

"House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (Wis.) criticized the president for a “dangerous level of executive overreach” and for circumventing congressional opposition — as though Congress has been working feverishly to reduce gun violence."

The assumption here is that gun violence needs further legislation. That is precisely what is in question. She even states: "this may well be true[we don't need more legislation], but couldn’t we stand to tweak them a bit? Or, perhaps, enforce them? And isn’t it possible to reduce the number of guns in the wrong hands without surrendering our Second Amendment rights or invoking the slippery slope of government confiscation?"

Of course the executive is in charge of enforcement. This was not a call for more cash because what is on hand is insufficient to deal with vigorous enforcement, this was a call for laws placing all transfers of guns under Federal scrutiny, as if this would affect illegal transfers which are the source of guns in most mass killings.

"It is one thing to be in the pocket of the National Rifle Association. It is another to do nothing and then assume a superior posture of purposeful neglect, as though do-nothingness were a policy and smug intransigence a philosophy."

After admitting no additional laws are necessary, Ms Parker now disregards that point and says do nothing is a philosophy! It is the president who is not pursuing the law as it exists to its fullest extent, he doesn't need additional laws.  DIDN'T YOU LISTEN TO YOURSELF?

Ms Parker then terms the changes as "tightly defining “gun dealer” " instead of what it is, expanding the definition so that no one can transfer a gun without Federal approval. There is very little evidence that background checks are an effective deterrent, or even useful. Look how well background checks worked in San Bernardino (allowing a terrorist into the country because they checked "I am not a terrorist").

"Many argue that no current law could have prevented any of the mass shootings in recent years, but is this sufficient justification for doing nothing when doing something could make a difference we may never know about"

Yes it is sufficient reason not to pass a law. Since when are unknown side effects a good reason for legislation?!!!

How about this for incoherent: "In a civilized society, more guns can’t be better than fewer." -- Since this is precisely counter the point made in Israel, which I believe is a civilized country, when last week they required guards to take their weapons home with them, and loosened permits to encourage as many people as possible to have them.

The argument in the Knesset (parliament) was very simple: Police are 2nd responders since they only get to the scene of the crime after it has commenced. Those at the scene, with weapons and training, can, and have been, effective first responders.


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