I have gotten tired of responding to the taunts, word parsing, and snide tweets of the "Never Trump Group."
I found, through a tweet, the following interview with Ann Coulter interview at PJ Media. Her point and mine overlap significantly.
1. Trump is not a politician: Politician's hide behind carefully reviewed statements often tested in front of sympathetic and unsympathetic groups for impact.
2. Politicians never deviate from these scripts unless they make a mistake. This leaves pundits to review meaningless minutiae.
For example how many low yield tactical nukes are in Germany, as if that number was significant and couldn't be tripled or halved by next Monday.
For example discussing the position of the Chinese who now want people to tone down the rhetoric over North Korea, but is unwilling to do anything about NK. As if there was an argument over tone and not one over a crazy man controlling Nukes and our impotence=unwillingness to do anything about us. It seems a few kilotons puts them in a position of superiority over SK and Japan and US.
3. Trump answers questions, is transparent, even when it costs him. He puts his foot in his mouth sometimes by misunderstanding barrages of questions aimed at tripping him up, and he answers foolishly sometimes instead of changing the subject.
Of course, when this happens, people whose entire life was parsing tiny mistakes of expression mad by professionals who never deviate from prepared positions, have a Ball. They can paint Trump anyway they want since is language is direct and understandable, but not tight and expertly crafted to prevent them.
4. Trump live a life of honesty, a bit more libido than most, and as a counter puncher. Sometimes upper cuts miss, and then he is pilloried for them. Most of the time, they hit their mark, so he is pilloried for them to begin with (word parsing) and eventually they get the point since his target audience does get the point almost immediately.
This is what happened with the wall. They got the point.
This is what happened with immigrants who are Muslims. They got the point.
This is what happened with trade deals. They got the point.
This is what happened with the deal with Iran. They got the point.
This is not what happened over a hypothetical Trump had clearly not considered, but answered anyhow. He went to MSNBC of all places and to Chris Matthews the master of rapid fire, and a rabid pro Hilary supporter. He was asked whether it would be a crime if Roe v Wade was overthrown. He said yes. He was asked who is to be punished, and pressed to say it would be the abortion seeker.
A sleeker politician would never have gone there, you don't answer hypotheticals. He was criticised for that which is laughable, after all he's Trump.
A sleeker politician would have had the "right" answer ready. It is not the mother who is trying to kill her baby that is the criminal, it is the doctor who facilitates it! You moron!
So his advisers "clarified" it within minutes and Trump admitted a day later on O'Reilly to have stepped in it. He has been criticized for admitting error.
Again everyone uses misinterpretations of what he said, or his errors, and apply it to his character, his ability to meet presidential functions, and even his humanity.
We always claim we wanted transparency. With Trump we have it, and, for political reasons, the RNC, the Rep Puppet Masters behind the super Packs, and the pundits, all want to destroy him.
What are the political reasons?
1. He is uncontrollable, he believes in himself (most Pres do),
2. He is independently wealthy to the point of not needing backers, and this means backers can't gain access to him through cash, or influence him through cash.
3. He is a moderate Republican. He'd probably compromise on abortion and permit it in the first Trimester. He would seek to overturn RvW, and he would select reasonably conservative judges to SCOTUS.
4. He is a populist, so he would do his best for the little people who elect him.
5. He keeps his promises. He would set up the wall (injuring the wealth of many who depend on ilegal labor), he would close the influx of Muslims into the country (injuring Saudi Princes who support ISIS and other radical groups to keep their agreements with their religious communities.)
6. He would made unprofitable the earnings of Puppet Masters outside of the US by curbing countries agreements when they manipulate the currentcies.
So there you have why I am for Trump. Whether he succeeds or not, I am proud of his attempt to bring reason and rationality into politics.
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