Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Daily Roundup - 3/29/2016

WAPO: No, the media didn't create Trump - by Eugene Robinson

So who created Trump? Robinson gives the clear implication that it was the stupid retarded Republican voters.  Is there another explanation?

 Let's go over the facts presented by Robinson:

The news media, it seems to me, are guilty only of reporting the news — which is that a candidate who has never held elective office, and who displays neither the base of knowledge nor the temperament necessary to serve as president, is leading all comers for the Republican nomination.

Where does Robinson get the Chutzpah of deciding who should or should not be president of the US.
President Carter fits the description much better than Trump, even if his weakness, inexperience, and lack of leadership were not clear before he was president.

 Deport the 11 million undocumented migrants already in the country, and build a “big, beautiful wall” along the Mexico border. Ridiculous, yes, but he got people’s attention.

This is a specific solution, promised us by President Reagan when the first wave of "comprehensive immigration reform" was passed. Trump just wants to enforce it. It is legal, it is a plan, and you may like it or not, but calling it ridiculous means you are ridiculous, not the plan.

He followed up, after the San Bernardino, Calif., terrorist attack, with a call to ban all foreign Muslims from entering the country. It is another crazy idea — impossible to implement and counterproductive if attempted

Again, what is crazy about this. The political parties, especially the republicans, have now come to accept it, except in name. Cruz simply names the countries he won't accept people from, and between him and Trump we have 3/4th of the Republican voters. What is crazy about improving our intelligence and engineering techniques which will allow us to predict whether people will integrate into the country before we nili-wili accept them in. After all, each person is an expenditure of over 20K per year of government funds if they fail to integrate, and this does not count the harm they can do if they become Jihadists.

Trump rails against free trade agreements whose effect, in his view, has been to eliminate millions of manufacturing jobs. He pledges to reduce the cost and scope of U.S. involvement overseas. He denounces other politicians as lackeys who dance to the tune of rich and powerful campaign donors. And he plays on the anxieties and prejudices of white voters unnerved by demographic change in a nation that will soon have no racial majority.

Why are these anxieties not correct? Isn't it well established that Nafta performed precisely as Perot predicted, "It's pretty simple: If you're paying $12, $13, $14 an hour for factory workers and you can move your factory South of the border, pay a dollar an hour for labor,...have no health care—that's the most expensive single element in making a car— have no environmental controls, no pollution controls and no retirement, and you don't care about anything but making money, there will be a giant sucking sound going south." He said that in 1992, and it now would apply to most of the "agreements" made since then.

So who created Trump? Robinson gives the clear implication that it was the stupid retarded Republican voters.  Is there another explanation?

Yes, there is. Trump is neither crazy, nor just a salesman effective in getting the marks to vote for him.  Rather, he is a serious candidate, effectively using the justified anger of a constituency long lied to by their supposed leaders and pundits.

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