Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Daily Musings 5/17/2016 WSG. Hilary-the Conservative Hope-

WSJ:Hillary the conservative hope- Bret Stephens

"What isn’t survivable is a Republican president who is part Know Nothing, part Smoot-Hawley and part John Birch. The stain of a Trump administration would cripple the conservative cause for a generation. "

Rational thought has left the "conservatives" of the Republican Party. After 16 years of government growth aided by "conservatives" and abetted by promises of "elect us and it will be better" we are now, once more, asked to wait another 16 years or more.

"If the next presidency is going to be a disaster, why should the GOP want to own it?"

I can think of a couple of reasons.
1. Trump is a problem solver, and we have lots of problems.
2. Trump will select members of the Supreme Court that are not democratic ideologues.

" serial fabulist, an incorrigible self-mythologizer, a brash vulgarian, "
Wow, a president who thinks a lot of himself! Can we think of any others?

So we are left with "brash vulgarian". So the fact that Trump isn't PC or even polite means he cannot have conservative ideas, or be effective as a president.

"For conservatives, a Democratic victory in November means the loss of another election, with all the policy reversals that entails. That may be dispiriting, but elections will come again"

No, for America it means the loss of the Middle East, The Far East, Latin America, the conversion of this country into a "Social Democracy" and the importation of millions of legal and ilegal immigrants to swell the ranks of democrats to the point we will never have another Republican President, or control our economy.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well done