Friday, May 27, 2016

Daily Musings 5/27/2016

WAPO: Austrias narrow election is a warning signal to all--Carl Bildt-

This article forgets Kurt Waldheim. Austria has always had neo-Nazi tendencies. The advent of Muslim immigration which is both unwelcome and seen as a threat increases these tendencies.
The author is right when he states:
Karl Popper noted that it was the development of communications and commerce that caused the breakdown of the closed societies of the ancient world, and in an echo of this we see these new political forces rally strongly against immigrants and trade agreements.

But Popper did not foresee that communication improvements could also lead to populist neo-Nazi takeovers.

As the Muslim expansion into Europe continues, we can expect more and more violent responses against them throughout Europe.

JewishJournal: Jewish leaders express concern over proposed changes to Dem platform on Israel -- Jacob Kornbluh

Let's be a bit more balanced! Like Bernie!
Those who love Israel, and have rationally viewed the news for years, know that Obama, Hilary, and the Democratic Party are for Bernie's "balanced" approach.
Those who have rationally viewed the pronouncements of the candidates know Trump is deeply committed to Israel.

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